Difference between native and hybrid app development

The world of app development is constantly evolving and there are always new terms and technologies to keep up with. One area that is often confusing for people new to app development is the difference between native and hybrid app development.

Native app development refers to developing an app specifically for one platform, such as iOS or Android. This means that the app is designed to take advantage of the specific features and capabilities of that platform.

Hybrid app development, on the other hand, is a more cross-platform approach. A hybrid app is essentially a web app that is packaged into a native app wrapper. This allows the app to be distributed through the app store and accessed on devices just like a native app.

So, which is better? Native or hybrid app development? There is no simple answer. It really depends on the specific needs and goals of your project. Both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages.

If you need a quick and easy way to create an app that works on multiple platforms, then hybrid app development may be the way to go. However, if you need an app that is specifically designed for one platform and takes full advantage of its capabilities, then native app development is the way to go.


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